ERMANI hyper-200AT — Press for the production of bricks, blocks and paving slabs

Description of the ERMANI hyperpress

ERMANI Hyper-200AT

Universal hydraulic press. For the production of small-piece concrete products by the method of semi-dry pressing. The equipment is designed for pressing classic bricks, 3D bricks (like Lego), hollow bricks, solid, decorative, as well as large-sized products: 3D building block (like Lego), classic building block, hollow block. As well as paving slabs of different sizes and types.

Technical specifications

Parameter name:Meaning:
Pressure, double-sided:400 tons
200 tons + 200 tons
Hydraulic pressure: nominal / maximum (MPa)18 / 24
Machine dimensions, weight:
Length, width, height (mm)
Weight: (kg)
2000 - 1800 - 2500
Number of products per cycle: brick / block / paving slabs4 // 2 / 5
Duration of one cycle, (seconds)18 - 24
Productivity, pieces / hour800 // 300 / 1000
Electric motor power, (kW) operating / maximum9 / 21
Working hours:
Loading the mixture into the chamber:automatic
Product shaping:automatic

Advantages of ERMANI presses

Double-sided counter pressing: 200 tons + 200 tons

The pressure per unit of product is not less than 300 kg per cm2.

The number of products is determined depending on the configuration and cost of the equipment.

The height of the product is adjustable: from 20 to 90 mm, 200 mm and higher upon customer request.

Product underpressing system. With a certain material composition, it is possible to press the product an unlimited number of times.

The forms are assembled from special wear-resistant steel, which undergoes special heat treatment.

Simple and clear control of the press, which includes: Mode: manual (setup), semi-automatic, automatic.

A reliable, inexpensive to repair, hydraulic station: consisting of high-quality, affordable components that have stood the test of time.

Ideal dimensions in length, width and height. The height error does not exceed 0.1-0.5 mm, thanks to special contactless inductive sensors and physical stops.

Replacing forms

The forms are made of wear-resistant steel and also undergo special heat treatment, which allows them to withstand 200-300 thousand work cycles.

A simple and clear system for replacing forms on the press will allow any operator to perform a replacement within one to two hours.

Products with a height of up to 90mm, 200mm and higher

An additional option makes it possible to press products up to 200 mm high, thanks to the increase in the height of the frame with all the guides, the volume of the dispenser, and the stroke of the cylinders, which allows pressing products with a large height and voids vertically.

On one press it is possible to replace moulds with different volumes and press products with different heights, for example: bricks with a height of 90 mm and building blocks up to 200 mm.

Дополнительная опция, дает возможность прессовать изделия с высотой до 200 мм, благодаря увеличению каркаса по высоте со всеми направляющими, объёмом дозатора, и ходом цилиндров, что позволяет прессовать изделия с большой высотой и пустотами по вертикали.

На одном прессе возможно заменять формы с разными объёмами и прессовать изделия с разными высотами, например: кирпича с высотой 90мм и строительного блока до 200мм.

Automatic product gripping

With desktop takeout

The most inexpensive way of automatic system of output of products to the working table. (included in the price of standard complete set).

Description: The finished pressed product comes out of the forming zone upwards, the sleeve with the help of pneumatic cylinders grabs the product, carries it forward to the working table, which goes down, simultaneously the next pressing cycle starts.

Lift — elevator for stacking in several rows vertically

The additional option includes the same operating principle as the conventional automatic product gripper, but includes the ability to stack products vertically in several rows (bricks 5 rows, blocks 3 rows), then the assembled products are transferred forward along special horizontal mechanisms, freeing up space for the next assembly cycle. (Special pallets are required for stacking).

Stacker robot — for stacking in several rows vertically and horizontally

The stacker robot is a fully automated system for removing products and stacking them on a process pallet, which must be taken to a warehouse for storing finished products. This option minimizes the amount of labor, but requires large initial investments.


The mechanical elements of the press are made of thickened materials with a reserve. To withstand the high pressure provided on the hyperpress.

Simple and reliable mechanics of moving elements. We use only hardened columns, ground moving plates, as well as bars, bushings and other elements are protected from dust and dirt by special cuffs.

Pressure and control


Reliable hydraulic components, time-tested, operate without failures for many years.

Easily available on the market in any city in the world. Replacement of components does not require the knowledge of a highly qualified specialist.


Easy-to-use automation. Time-tested components. Available in any market in the world.

Using a USB cable and the Internet, it is possible to change the program characteristics independently or remotely by our specialists.

Types of forms

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